AEGIS JURIST ADVOCATES respect the idea of non-advertisement and non- solicitation as enshrined in Rule 36 of Bar Council of India Rules.
This website intends to be treated as our digital office, where anyone may visit on his/ her own wishes subject to acknowledgement of following:
- The user hereby confirms that there has been no advertisement, personal communication, solicitation or inducement of any sort by any advocate associated with us or any of our employee.
- The user wishes to gain more information about us or about law of the land for his/ her personal knowledge and use.
- The contents on this website is for purpose of information in general and may not apply to each case completely, hence we will not be responsible for any consequences of any action taken by the user relying on information without obtaining consultation on his specific case.
- Mere visit to this website will not form client-advocate relationship between user of this website and AEGIS JURIST ADVOCATES.